Monday-Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm

Meet Professional Care You Can Trust

We Provide Care

We trace our success as a company to the simple and enduring philosophy that ageing is a gift. The wealth of knowledge and experience that comes with age is a gift to the individual & the family.

What People Say


“Great company to work for. Very supportive, and staff are all lovely and friendly. One big happy family!”

Lesley S.

“I’ve only been working for Penna for 4 months, but I’ve been welcomed by everyone that it feels like I’ve been there for years .

I’ve never worked for a care company like it, so professional and caring not only to the clients they support, but to all the staff as well.

I feel proud to wear my uniform and represent Penna Homecare!”


“My last Care Company treated me with insensitivity, unreliability and a total misunderstanding of my disabilities. Being disabled is hard enough, without the pain and sadness of being dismissed and becoming invisible. I felt I had little to live for. 
Penna are different. They have treated me with respect, patience and infinite kindness. They have celebrated my achievements and supported my set-backs. We (equally) dealt with any ‘teething problems’ and I now feel safe and nurtured. 
Nothing is ever perfect, but at the very least, Penna try to make things better. I now feel that I have something to live for!”